
Clay Weber clay at claydoh.com
Fri May 11 18:52:26 UTC 2018

On Fri, May 11, 2018 2:25 pm, charlie wrote:
> ok, one more time. i've learned how to add icons to the dock so now i just
> need to learn how to move icons around into the order i'd like them to be
> in. if anyone knows how to rearrange the icons, let me know. otherwise
> i'll play with it and use it as is. but this latte dock's exactly what i'm
> looking for.
> On 05/11/2018 11:11 AM, charlie wrote:

You click and hold, then drag the application icons around within the
application area. To move widgets (the clock, or the entire app area
itself, for example), right click somewhere on latte, then select
Settings. You will see a grid area for positioning and sizing, as well as
all the other configuration options.

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