Lets Drop Old Monitors

Bill Vance kbun at xpresso.seaslug.org
Wed Jul 18 20:41:06 UTC 2018

On Tue, 17 Jul 2018, Karsten Loh wrote:

> I've to say I'm a bit puzzled which programs you are running that won't work
> with the Scale display function. I'm running my HiDPI Monitor for over a year
> now and I found only few programs (and they keep getting fewer thankfully) that
> did not adhere to the setting. Mostly those are java programs (which cause the
> same problem on Windows btw.) and older GTK programs).
> Btw. no offense, but it might help if you stop calling your 4k display "HD". In
> computing HD is generally understood to indicate a resolution of 1920x1080 px.

I see your point, but 1920X1080 is what I have.

> I don't think there is much need to allow for increasing fonts, icons, etc. for
> most people at that resolution. What you are referring to is usually called a
> HiDPI or 4k monitor. Stating HD while actually referring to HiDPI is going to
> throw of a lot of people.

I've been running 16.04 since Oct/Nov of last year.  At that time
it was, (_LARGE_), magnifying glass only.  And yes, things have
improved somewhat since then, but there's still plenty of miss-
matching happening.  A couple re-installs picked up fixes from
before, but there were still plenty of problems.

> Karsten
> --
> Evil Overlord Rule #175: I will have my fortress exorcized regularly. Although g
> hosts in the dungeon provide an appropriate atmosphere, they tend to provide val
> uable information once placated. 
> On 17.07.2018 21:28, Bill Vance wrote:
>       On Tue, 17 Jul 2018, Bmarsh wrote:
>                   From: Bill Vance <kbun at xpresso.seaslug.org>
>                   Subject: Re: Lets Drop Old Monitors
>                   Date: 7/17/18 10:42 AM
>                   To: Kubuntu user technical support
>             <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>                   <snip>
>                   On Mon, 16 Jul 2018, Doug wrote:
>                   > have you tried changing the DPI setting?
>                   >
>                   >
>                   > That is one of two methods of changing font
>             sizes in
>                   > system
>                   > settings.  Neither of them is anywhere close to
>             working
>                   > perfectly.
>                   >
>                   >
>                   > the DPI setting changes not just the font size,
>             but also the
>                   > graphics sizes, at least for all apps that pay
>             attention to this.
>                   Which, unfortunately, is no guarentee that they'll
>             do a good job
>                   of it, which is one of the main reasons I'm
>             lobbying for making
>                   individual adjustments to text, and symbol sizes. 
>             I don’t much care for the idea of individual
>             adjustments.  I really don’t want
>             to have to go thru what could be 100 or more
>             ‘adjustments’ every time I switch
>             to a new release or download a new app.  Just one would
>             do...
>       With appropriate default values, you shouldn't need to make
>       more than just a few adjustments, if that many.
>         and I hate to say
>             this but Windows handles different monitors quite well.
>       Which only says that Linux needs to pull it's head out,
>       and get to work.

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