Fwd: Proposal: Let's drop i386

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Wed Jul 11 03:55:41 UTC 2018

Stephen Morris wrote:
> On 17/5/18 9:17 am, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
> > explain the thinking on the part of the Ubuntu developers as to why
> > they are discontinuing the i386 images. For us, this would mean that
> > the 18.04 LTS is the last i386 ISO that we will be publishing.

> > For now the i386 *packages* in the archive are not going away.

> Is this article saying that from 18.10 onwards people are not going to
> be able to run 32 bit applications on their 64 bit images?

No, if you read the important parts again (see above) you should notice 
that the i386 packages will still be available. The only thing removed 
are the i386 images. The term "images" refers to the install images, 
i.e. you won't get the ISO images to create install media for i386 


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