Girard Henri
girardhenri at
Tue Aug 14 05:40:46 UTC 2018
There are very easy programmers tools : SPE, geany... (in ubuntu they
are installed with apt)
Good editors and compilors
Le 14/08/2018 à 04:10, charlie a écrit :
> hey tom. i like your idea as well. sounds very simple and easy. thank you!
> Charlie
> On 08/13/2018 06:40 PM, Charles T. Bell wrote:
>> Charlie,
>> You don't really need an IDE with python, unless you want to single step
>> through the program.
>> I put my python programs in a subdirectory under "python" subdirectory
>> and open both a terminal (half-screen) and kate (half-screen) side by
>> side. That way I can make changes in kate and save them, then run the
>> program in the terminal. With a little care you can quickly debug your
>> program that way.
>> However, if you want to single-step through the program you need an IDE.
>> Good luck!
>> Tom
>> On 08/13/2018 04:10 PM, Charlie wrote:
>>> hey robert. thanks for the info. that helps me out a lot to know that.
>>> and i'll check into that pycharm IDE, too.
>>> On Aug 13, 2018, at 13:00, Robert Charbonneau <rpc at
>>> <mailto:rpc at>> wrote:
>>>> Any text editor will be fine to work with Python; and yes, you can
>>>> simply save the file as <program>.py and run it on the command line.
>>>> Also, if it's something you'll be working with in school, it's
>>>> possible that you could get a free license for PyCharm from JetBrains
>>>> (Python IDE), worth investigating.
>>>> On 2018-08-13 03:29 PM, Charlie wrote:
>>>>> hey all. i'm trying to figure out how to program in python and i wanted to find out if the kate text editor supports python 3. i've been reading a manual on python programming and it states some info about running IDLE and when i run the terminal command for it, it goes nowhere.
>>>>> am i able to just open kate, do some coding, save it as a python file with the .py extension and then run it?
>>>>> i start school next month and i want to be ahead of the game as much as possible.
>>>>> thanks!
>>>>> charlie
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> Charlie Luna
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