KDE Plasma is working fine on Manjaro, but not on Kubuntu 18.04 Beta2

Apurv Jyotirmay appjoe.beta at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 14:15:01 UTC 2018


I've been trying to move to KDE for a long time, but the only Plasma
release for me that worked on Kubuntu was with Kubuntu 15.10. And after
that, none of the releases are working on my hardware. So, what happens is,
if I use Plasma and KWin (OpenGL 2, OpenGL 3, or Xrendr), I get this weird
flickering when resizing application windows. It's easily observable if I
open up a Dolphin window and start to resize it by the corner rapidly in
every direction. At times, there will be a white patch covering the entire
window for a few milliseconds (or so). I thought it has something to do
with the underlying Xorg, but I tried Manjaro with Plasma 5.12.3 on my
hardware, and it was working perfectly.

Also, in Kubuntu, I get this really crazy menu flickering (sometimes) when
I open a menu (File, Edit,...) and move my cursor over the items, it will
start flickering with black colors, and closing and re-opening menus fixes

Any idea how can I produce a more technically detailed information for the
same on Kubuntu? I don't really want to move away from the *buntu base :-(
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