Libreoffice 6 irritating view

Bmarsh bmarsh at
Tue Apr 10 13:52:48 UTC 2018

I tried to duplicate your problem on Bionic, but didn’t see anything different.


From: "O. Sinclair" <o.sinclair at>
 Subject: Re: Libreoffice 6 irritating view
 Date: 4/10/18 12:58 AM
 To: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at>

On 04/09/18 16:36, O. Sinclair wrote: 
> Since some upgrade Libreoffice insist on showing documents 2 pages side  
> by side. I don't like it one bit. Does anyone know how to get back to 1  
> page portrait mode? 
> kind regards, Sinclair 
thanks to whose who helped. I have found the solution in the "bottom  
right corner". The setting does not stick but I can live with that. The  
replies did for some reason end up in my personal mail but I will  
forward them should someone else be as irriated as I was. 
Kind regards, Sinclair 
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