Fwd: kernel updates for k12.04

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 02:49:24 UTC 2017

Hi Ray, it is nearly always better to use Muon to get any application
because that way you will

1. Get it from the archive, where many checks have been made automatically
2. You will know it is integrated with the version of K/ubuntu you are running
3. It will be installed correctly and automatically

There are very few exceptions.


On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 7:12 PM, ray burke <rayburke30 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Nils 28/9/2017,
> Finally my new dual boot K14.04 LTS/Win7 works, as now the k14.04 does
> both dial-up and dongle stick, but when the upgrade happen from K12.04
> to K14.04 it moved over all my files
> within home "rayburke" but looks like it didn't do Lirbreoffice
> 1:3.5.7 as when I bring up
> one of my docs in .xls,.xlr it requests whet app to use, but no libreoffice,
> so downloaded in .deb format libreoffice 3.5.2 and 4.2.3 but when I
> executed either one it said
> after enter muon password, that there was earlier one in the muon
> update, but not sure
> within this which one to use as so many, do I run it thru Muon
> package/update/software app?
> Ray

::snip all old::


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