Kubuntu 17.10 is released -- thank you team!

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 02:24:05 UTC 2017

Thanks to everyone who tested this cycle, wrote blog posts and other
articles, tweeted, posted to forums, Facebook, G+, Mastodon, and other
places. So far Artful has been pretty great for me. And soon we'll
have Plasma 5.11.1 which we were unable to include in the release
because of the release date and cycle freezes. Just add backports to
get it when the bugs are ironed out.

Of course we still welcome bug reports, people stepping up to be part
of the release team, new packagers, help making our documentation and
website even more awesome, and more. With this solid release I have
great hopes that our next LTS, 18.04 out next spring will be the best

Thanks again,



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