SYSTEM > Applications seemingly correctly set. However, sometimes still BlueFish gets launched instead of Firefox.

Bas G. Roufs - in English basroufs at
Sat Nov 18 16:46:59 UTC 2017

Hello Everybody.

At present, I am using a 64 bit version of Kubuntu 16.04 along with KDE Plasma 
version 5.8.8 at a Lenovo X220. KDE Plasma 5.8.8 has come here via the regular 
backport ppa.

Now my question. Till recently, various applications throughout my system used 
to launch Bluefish instead of Firefox, when clicking at a link that should lead 
to some website. I have changed the system settings as summarised below and 
restarted my system several times. In most of the cases, I get Firefox now 
when clicking at some website link in some application. That is OK. However, 
in at least one case I still do get BlueFish instead of Firefox when clicking 
at such a link: when clicking at DROPBOX > "Launch the Dropbox website." I 
still have no clue how to solve that problem.

That's why, I have taken a thorough look at SYSTEM SETTINGS > Personalisation 
> Applications. First of all, I went from there to "DEFAULT APPLICATIONS" > 
web browser. There, I have explicitly indicated Firefox as my "default" 
browser.  Also FIREFOX > Preferences shows that Firefox is my "default" 
browser currently. 

When going to  SYSTEM > Applications >  File Associations, I have looked at 
.html, xhtml and other text related stuff. In all those case, I have removed 
Bluefish out of the list or downgraded it one place in the order of 
applications associated with 1 file type. 

However, as I said above  - in at least one case, I keep getting BlueFish 
instead of Firefox when trying to launch a website from some application. It 
happens when I go to the DROPBOX widget > "Launch the Drop Box Website."

When going to the Dropbox help pages via the same widget, I also get the 
normal Firefox launched.  Do you have any clue how to get Firefox launched 
again when clicking at "Launch Dropbox website?" Is there any script in the 
system I can adapt in a specific way?


Bas G. Roufs.

Bas G. Roufs
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL- 3514 VT  Utrecht
BasRoufs at
+31 6 446 835 10

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