streak across the screen

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Fri Sep 2 08:31:01 UTC 2016

On 09/02/16 00:42, Richard Barmann wrote:
> On 09/01/2016 06:10 PM, Xen wrote:
>> I have the streak across the diagonal of the screen in KDE now too.
>> (With a different graphical card).
>> The GT 640 I have doesn't do it, this is some older cheaper card that
>> does.
>> I guess I'm off to Cinnamon again :(.
> I have the streak from top left to bottom right. When I switch to
> Gnome,Gnome Classic, Mate, Cinnamon, it disappears and the screen is great.
> Dick Barmann
Got the same, on and off. Only thing that helps is reboot. So far 
Plasma5 is one big struggle and that is with using stock Intel hardware

Example: try change size of font in Thunderbird. Good Luck.
Font size in GTK settings is all over the place. Sometimes work,often not.
Preview of images in Kmail suddenly is not working.

I can continue. LTS my hairy backside.

Kind regards,

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