Fwd: Urgently help needed to get restarted with Kontact @ Kubuntu 14.04/ KDE 4.13.3.

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Wed Oct 26 05:06:40 UTC 2016

Bas Roufs wrote:
> Kontact worked quite well till a few hours ago; at that moment, a big
> update seemed to mess everything up. As usual, I restarted the system
> after such an update. After that restart, I tried to restart Kontact:
> both via Kontact itself and via SYSTEM SETTINGS > personal
> information. However, nothing works any more. All I get, is the an
> error report starting with the phrase "The Akonadi personal
> information system is not running.....". The detailed error report,
> you can find below.

Same here - the update of mysql is the culprit. I installed the previous 
version and Kmail started again. These are the packages I installed:


I still found them in "/var/cache/apt/archives/" - if you can't find 
them there, you will have to search on the net (archive.ubuntu.com 
should have them).


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