Kubuntu 16.10 is out!

Stephen Morris samorris at netspace.net.au
Tue Oct 18 22:12:47 UTC 2016

On 14/10/16 15:29, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
> Hi folks, I'm sure most of you have heard by now, but just in case:
> Kubuntu 16.10 has been released, along with all flavors of Ubuntu.
> The official announcement:
> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/yakkety-updates/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/ReleaseAnnouncement.html
> We've got an announcement on the website as well:
> https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-10-released/
> Our step-by-step about installing and upgrading lacks some
> screenshots. Please feel free to help out there if you can:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YakketyUpgrades/Kubuntu
> If you want to seed the torrents, the easiest way is to start here:
> http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/
> Remember as always to report your bugs. The easiest way is in the
> commandline: `ubuntu-bug packagename`
> All the best,
> Valorie
     I have Kubuntu 16.04 LTS installed (that was installed from scratch 
on a new system) and tried to upgrade using the instructions in your 
third link above. The problem I have is that neither Muon nor 
Plasma-Discovery have the options specified in the screen shots to 
invoke the configuration settings. The only way I could find on my 
system to change the update settings back to "normal" was to use the 
update setting options in Synaptic and to set those to "Any version". 
Having done this Plasma-Discovery then prompted to do an upgrade, but 
when I clicked on the upgrade button it did nothing. The only way I 
could find to actually upgrade was to issue a 'sudo do-release-upgrade' 
from a shell, which then proceeded to undertake the upgrade (before 
switching to "Any Version" in Synaptic this command returned the message 
that there were No Releases Available).
     Having done the upgrade the system quite happily booted to the 
Lightdm display manager, but was then not able to start Unity, Plasma or 
Gnome. Gnome and Unity both produced a garbled graphic display and 
immediately dropped back to Lightdm. Plasma produced 'Internal System 
Error' messages and when I clicked on 'Details' it said that it was 
/user/bin/Kwin_X11 that was failing, and, if I click on 'Ignore all 
future messages of this type', used ctrl+alt+delete to drop back to 
Lightdm, and restarted Plasma it produced the same failure message, but 
this time is was in /usr/bin/compiz. I'm probably not surprised that 
Compiz had issues as I thought it required an accelerated video driver, 
and, from the display I was getting it looked like the Nvidia 
proprietary driver I had installed in 16.04 had been removed by the 
upgrade and it could not be reinstalled as it appeared that the 
repositories did not have the necessary component to allow a reinstall.
     How do I now downgrade to 16.04, or do I need to wipe the root, 
boot and home partitions and re-install 16.04 from scratch, or can I 
download a 16.10 ISO that I can burn to DVD and do a fresh/clean install 
from that?


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