Time in Kubuntu

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Sun Oct 16 17:59:17 UTC 2016


On 16.10.2016 18:19, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Igor Mironchik wrote:
>> If I change time zone to Kiev, for example. Time is correct in the
>> system tray. Kiev and Minsk is in the same time zone, but I'm not sure
>> about daylight time... I will try to reinstall whole Kubuntu...
> Additionally to my previous mail, I made some experiments: If I select
> the Minsk time zone I get the wrong time on the system tray, just like
> you described - and the Kiev time is correct. But only on the 16.04
> system - if I try the same with 16.10, the time is correct for the Minsk
> time zone as well. Now I'm not so sure any more that the faulty package
> is tzdata. Instead I suppose it is rather some package related to plasma
> (but I have no idea which one).

Yes, I checked on 16.10 and there time is correct. Thank you Nils for 
your time.

Can you tell me what the time separator in 16.10? This is dot or colon?

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