Finger print reader

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at
Sun Nov 13 14:53:00 UTC 2016

On 11/08/2016 02:37 AM, leleu wrote:
> Je la 08/11/2016 07:39, Billie Walsh skribis :
>> On 11/07/2016 05:44 PM, Charles T. Bell wrote:
>>> On 11/07/2016 09:11 AM, Billie Walsh wrote:
>>>> I decided enough time had passed to upgrade my laptop to 16.04.
>>>> My laptop has a finger print reader. In the past it has never asked 
>>>> for
>>>> a fingerprint to boot but now it does. I enter the password but it
>>>> demands a finger print. It says either the password or finger print.
>>>> Any ideas how to bypass this step when booting?
>>> If you can get into the BIOS, there should be a setting there to turn
>>> off the finger print reader.
>>> Tom
>> Nothing in the bios.
> Did you ask Google with the reference of your laptop, and "finger print" ?

Sorry for the long delay. Finally had some time to go back to my problem.

 From what I have found this morning the only way to disable the 
fingerprint reader is from within the booted OS.

Fast is fine, but accuracy is final.
You must learn to be slow in a hurry.
-Wyatt Earp-

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