Problems since upgrading to 16.04

Mark Fraser mfraz74+ubuntu at
Tue Jun 28 10:28:59 UTC 2016

After upgrading to 16.04 I was unable to use anything that required Akonadi as 
it kept crashing. I tried various things to get it working again, but in the 
end I decided to create a new user profile.

This has worked apart from 3 continuing problems:
1) I have been unable to get indexing of my emails working again.

2) I no longer have the option in Amarok of deleting or moving a track to the 
waste bin from the context menu. I just have
Add to playlist
Replace playlist
Add position marker
Copy to collection love
Edit track details.

3) In Amarok's edit track details window, the folder icon always opens Dolphin 
instead of my default Konqueror.

Can anyone help solve these problems?
Registered Linux User #466407

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