Upgrade to Kubuntu 16.04 LTS had issues

Nikolay Naydenov niki_naydenov at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 29 13:17:00 UTC 2016

Yesterday I also upgrade from 14.04.5 to 16.04.1. I also face the problem with "sddm". I was able to reach a CLI prompt and login. I just enter "dpkg-reconfigure sddm" to fix the problem. Next problem was with almost unresponsive computer. Reason was that "baloo" eat a lot of disk IO capabilities for almost a hour (close to 400GB on luks encrypted SHHD). You definitely should put some control on the first run. These two problems taken together leave the impression that you lost the computer - not a pleasure feeling in the process of the upgrade.  And lastly I still use skype. It look to work badly with plasma5. I will try to describe the problem and the solution. The visible part of the problem is that I suddenly lost all windows decorations. I mean: no border, no title, no buttons, no ctlr+tab ... In simple words window manager gone. Relogin fixes the situation and after some time it happens again. In the course of longer work I start to notice that it is reproducible in system settings -> startup shutdown -> login screen -> change background picture. At the moment when the file browser appears all windows decorations disappears. The other place is when I need to unlock kwallet (to connect to wifi). I start searching the net for some info. I am with lenovo x240 - Intel Graphics. There was reported problems last year that looks similar, but later I realize it was not the case. I have a virtual box machine on which I test the upgrade and there I do not hit the problem, just because I am "bad tester" - I was not logged to skype there. So finally I start to think that skype is the bad guy here. I list skype in "system settings -> startup and shutdown -> desktop session -> application to be excluded from sessions", so skype do not start at the begging of the session and I need to manually start it. Now when I am asked to enter kwallet password I have no problems, when I work in the control center I have no problems. For me the workaround is acceptable, but should be catch on test phase - skype is from official partners repository. The problem is easily reproducible on my virtual box, so it is not Intel related.
Regards,Nikolay Naydenov

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