network printer not discovered

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Thu Aug 4 08:23:43 UTC 2016

I think the suggestion was basically to get/use a USB cable to find out
if it works that way. Then try and see if it works wireless.

In some cases printers have to get drivers installed/recognized via USB
before the wireless works.

Kind regards,

On 03/08/2016 16:22, leleu wrote:
> I'm afraid I can't help much, since I use the USB connexion to my box.
> However I would think that the task to find all the devices connectd is
> a task for the box, and not for Kubuntu. I guess there is a HTML page
> for configuring the box, where the devices should be listed.
> Je la 03/08/2016 15:13, José Queiroz skribis :
>> Have you tried to conect to it using an usb cable? It may help you
>> installing any missing driver.
>> 2016-08-03 9:58 GMT-03:00 Lothar W Frommhold <frommhold at
>> <mailto:frommhold at>>:
>>     Robert:
>>     I use the "box" (a wifi modem + bridge of the TWC Cable Company)
>>     and a home wired (ethernet) network. The Computer connects
>>     wirelessly to the network through the "box". The printers are
>>     wired to the network. In the past (with Kubuntu 14.04) that worked
>>     well and it still works well for the b&w printer, but not for the
>>     color printer.
>>     Many thanks for your reply! Lothar
>>     lf
>>     On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 2:38 AM, leleu <robert.leleu at
>>     <mailto:robert.leleu at>> wrote:
>>         What is the central net server ? Is it the Kubuntu computer,
>>         or some "box" connecting te internet ?
>>         Je la 03/08/2016 05:22, Lothar W Frommhold skribis :
>>>         When upgrading from Kubuntu 14.04.4 to Kubuntu 16.04.1 the
>>>         black-white laser printer (Canon MF 4700 series) continues to
>>>         work, but the color laser printer (Dell 3110cn), which also
>>>         worked well under 14.04, turned unresponsive. After removing
>>>         and subsequent attempts to reinstall it, I discovered that
>>>         while the color printer could be pinged, it was invisible to
>>>         the system settings program. In other words, the color
>>>         printer can not be installed as intended. What is wrong? Any
>>>         help would be appreciated! Lothar
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