14.04 to 16.04 -- upgrade or not?
Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at kde.org
Mon Apr 25 18:39:38 UTC 2016
Hi all,
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Nils Kassube <kassube at gmx.net> wrote:
> Georgi Kourtev wrote:
>> As 16.04 is live already, I was wondering if I should move my 14.04
>> LTS PCs to the new release. Although the updater does not call for
>> it...
> According to the release announcement [1] you should upgrade now. But I
> think you should first try the live iso image and find out if you really
> like the new appearence. And if you decide to do the upgrade, you should
> also check the release notes for both Kubuntu [2] and Ubuntu [3],
> especially the sections about known problems.
Also keep in mind that this is a big leap, as Plasma 5 has changed
quite a few things, for example where configuration files are stored.
In such circumstances I tend to do a fresh installation after a full
backup of the previous system's important files (/home and /etc,
mostly), then copy back what is needed from the user perspective.
Even if you use a separate partition for your /home, you should be
aware of the system change (Qt 4 -> Qt5, KDE 4.x -> Plasma 5.x) which
implies quite a few things can go wrong.
Since I have enough space on my hard disk, I first tested 16.04 in a
virtual installation when it was still beta, and when it was released
I made a second installation on a fresh partition. This needs a few
adjustments for the startup menu, so maybe not the easiest approach,
but at least I am on the safe side :-)
Hope this helps.
Regards, Myriam
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