
Girard Henri girardhenri at
Mon Sep 28 10:35:10 UTC 2015

NOthing... Sorry it's a mistake of mine

Le 28/09/2015 10:43, Thomas a écrit :
> On 2015/09/27 2:26, Girard Henri wrote:
>> look at the tutorial
> I do not understand, what THAT manual has to do with cherrytree.
>> Le 26/09/2015 19:22, Paul Lemmons a écrit :
>>> After you start it issue the following command in a konsole session 
>>> : ps  -elf  |  grep cherrytree
>>> if you see something like:
>>> 0 S paul      7980  3522  4  80   0 - 74073 poll_s 10:11 ?        
>>> 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/cherrytree
> Yes, it shows something like that
>>> If it is running kill it with: killall cherrytree
> THAT does not work. I get: "no process found"
>>> Now use kate to open the file: kate ~/.config/cherrytree/config.cfg
>>> At the top of the file make sure the window placement is within the 
>>> bounds of your monitor.
>>> win_position_x = 3870
>>> win_position_y = 1231
>>> win_size_w = 1003
>>> win_size_h = 758
> These values are from top to bottom
> 0
> 0
> 963
> 630
> Should that not fit into the 15" Inspiron monitor? It did before anyway.
>>> then look in the "Misc" section at the end of the file and make sure 
>>> these two parameters are set as false:
>>> systray = False
>>> start_on_systray = False
> The config file shows exactly these parameters.
> When I try to start Cherrytree from the terminal, I get:
> ~$ cherrytree
> (process:2690): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
>         Using the fallback 'C' locale.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/cherrytree", line 65, in <module>
>     f_main(args)
>   File "/usr/bin/cherrytree", line 47, in f_main
>     main.main(args)
>   File "/usr/share/cherrytree/modules/", line 217, in main
>     lang_str = initializations()
>   File "/usr/share/cherrytree/modules/", line 160, in 
> initializations
>     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 579, in setlocale
>     return _setlocale(category, locale)
> locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
> I suppose that means, that there is something wrong with the locale 
> setting,
> probably also related to the "file name" problem I reported the other 
> day.
> However, my attempts at reseting the locale were not yet successful.
> Any magic spell here?
> Thomas

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