Can't start LibreOffice 5.0.2 in Kubuntu 14.04.3 Running Kernel 4.2.3

Charles T. Bell cbell44 at
Sat Oct 24 22:11:45 UTC 2015

On 10/24/2015 05:11 PM, James R McKenzie wrote:
> I can't get LibreOffice to start no matter what I do. I get this message when I try to launch it. 
> The application cannot be started. 
> User installation could not be completed. 
> I went into Synaptic and tried re-installation but it did no good at all. Is there a script I can fix that will bring this back? If so where is it and what do I need to change?
> Is there web site about type of problem and how to fix it?
> Any/All help will be appreciated.
I downloaded the LibreOffice .deb from this site:
It comes in a .deb package that contains java files.
Java will run on any distro that has java installed.
Also, most distros run behind on the most current stable
version of any program.
Installing after download will mean that the program will
NOT be automatically updated through the distro's repository.
Good luck!

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