Plasma anyone?

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Mon Mar 30 14:59:59 UTC 2015

On 30/03/2015 16:33, m.celiesius wrote:
> You can allways try Netrunner 15, with KDE Plasma Desktop 5.2....
> On 2015.03.30 07:25, O. Sinclair wrote:
>> On 29/03/2015 20:57, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>>> I finally got 15.04 loaded and it seems to run fine with one MAJOR
>>> problem for me.
>>> It uses the plasma 5 desktop, which I wouldn't mind, except that my
>>> entire desktop settings (icons, widgets, etc) are gone.   Now I'm all
>>> for change, but making me start over with a desktop is not going to set
>>> well with a lot of people I think.
>>> Am I missing something here?  It's probably something stupid like
>>> opening some secret window where all the settings will be...  but for
>>> the moment it looks like I am a new user, without anything on the
>>> desktop.
>>> Not a happy camper.
>> I am very reluctant to leave 14.10 for this reason. As I understand it
>> Plasma5 is far from production ready and I would not want to find that I
>> can't use certain plasmoids, software etc because they are "not yet
>> compatible". Have a feeling that waiting for 15.10 could be a better
>> option
Since this is my production computer (I only have one) I would just get
miserable with "plasma crash" when a client needs me. I held on to
3.5.10 for a bit longer for the same reason: KDE4 was introduced early
by Kubuntu and mildly put unstable initially

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