Journaling is killing response time

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Thu Mar 12 01:12:37 UTC 2015

On 03/11/2015 11:08 AM, Bill Vance wrote:
> It's still an option, at least on my 12.04 install disk, plus I
> heard they did a major update not too long ago.
> Bill
> On Sun, 8 Mar 2015, bmarsh at wrote:
>> Is reiserfs currently supported?

Well, here's the final chapter in the "Journaling is killing response 
time"  story.

I had checked the "SDB" drive, which seemed to be the one with the 
problems, with SMARTCTL and it said it passed all the tests, although it 
also showed some  errors... (less than 50)

So I moved my /home partition from the "B" to the "A" drive and that 
seemed to take care of a lot of the response issues.

But when I started up a photo program, and it had lots of activity on 
the "B" again, the response time was really bad.  Again, SMARTCTL showed 
that the drive passed but with a few recorded errors.

I replaced the "B" drive with a new drive and now everything is back to 
normal....  Don't know what the real problem was but it was obviously 
the fault of the drive.

I was beginning to think the problem was due to EXT4 partitions but will 
take your advice and move some things from EXT3 to EXT4.


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