Journaling is killing response time

Bill Vance kbun at
Sun Mar 8 08:50:42 UTC 2015

What kind of journaling are you using?  Ext2/3/4?  If so, have
you tried Reiserfs?  I think there's another option, too, but
I can't recall it just now, and it might not be appropos, as
its not an Install option.


On Sat, 7 Mar 2015, Bruce Marshall wrote:

> Lately I've been having really bad response intermittently, but 
> often enough it is really irritating.  For example, I will try to 
> kill a program like T-bird, and it will take so long that I get 
> the "not responding" message. But the problem is that it CAN'T 
> respond due to being blocked by the journaling I/O.  If I tell it 
> to wait, it will finally close.
> I've been googling the problem and have changed a lot of mount 
> parms but nothing seems to help.  Running  14.10 on an AMD64 
> machine and this problem seems to have cropped up from the latest 
> batch of updates, within the last one or two weeks.
> Another strange thing is that after applying the recent updates 
> (including the 3.16.0-31 kernel,  update-grub refuses to consider 
> 3.16.0-31 as the kernel to boot and doesn't include it in 
> grub.cfg. But if I make the manual change to that kernel, nothing 
> improves.
> Anyone else experiencing response problems lately?
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> they're NOT out to get you!"
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