install a tz.gz file

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at
Mon Jun 8 12:58:34 UTC 2015

On 06/08/2015 04:22 AM, Thomas wrote:
> Good evening
> I am trying to install "KompoZer" on kubuntu (also on xubuntu / Mint) 
> but cannot make it work.
> Could anybody please instruct me how to "install" (somewhere on the 
> net is says, these files are not "installed) the software? 

Open Dolphin. Right click on the window. Go down to "Actions". Click 
"Open Terminal Here" in the resulting pop-out box. Good luck from there. 
I've never been able to install like that. It just never works for me. 
Maybe you'll have better luck than I have.


Find a "deb" file like the one at [ I don't know if that's the 
latest and greatest or not ]


Install Bluefish.That's the one I use but it's text mode only.

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Cats are tiny little women in fur coats.

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