help with setup
accessys at
accessys at
Mon Jan 12 16:28:38 UTC 2015
I usually when installing a fresh version of Kubuntu use a fresh new hard
drive and relagate the old hard drive to "Slave" status. currently have
three HDD's installed without problems.
this allows for no conflicts with anything laying around on that old HDD.
considering how low the costs of HDDs are these days it seems to be the
way to go, as long as there is physical space in your box and power for
On Tue, 13 Jan 2015, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:32:17 +0900
> From: Thomas Blasejewicz <nyuwa at>
> Reply-To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at>
> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at>
> Subject: help with setup
> Good evening
> I would like to ask for help setting this thing (kubuntu) up.
> I have been trying to get friendly with "linux" for YEARS and was forced to
> reinstall all sort of distros
> a million times already, but never get through it without any problems.
> And when I actually managed to set the OS up somehow, installing some piece
> of software has sent it MANY times
> over the edge in a fashion, that at least I was not capable of recovering ...
> requiring reinstallation again and again ...
> Right now, I freshly installed kubuntu 14.04 (deleting everything else that
> was on the disk), after an installation of xubuntu ("tuxtrans" to be
> precise),
> went wacko and I could not recover it.
> The new installation, has already choosen to freeze several times, so that I
> had to cut the power and restart.
> Right now too, there is a mouse pointer on the screen; I can move it;
> BUT it does not do anything: does not move windows, does not activate any
> buttons, does not close any windows .... nothing.
> That cannot be normal.
> Apart from this repeated freezing, I already noted several problems, even
> before I had any chance to mess things up.
> a) on another computer running the exact same OS, the settings for "input
> devices" by default allow setting for the touchpad;
> NOT on this computer, those items are greyed out.
> b) I NEED English, Japanese + German on the computer; on other computers I
> was (after much trouble) able to set up Japanese input;
> on THIS computer I cannot setup the "input method" - not even after I
> installed the relevant software (which should be there by default)
> And I am afraid, a lot more trouble is to come; it ALWAYS does.
> So, if anybody has any ideas as to how to make things work .. at least a
> little ... that would be great.
> PS:
> I am neither a computer freak, nor do I have a major in computer science.
> Therefore I would much appreciate plain language. Otherwise I may not be able
> to follow you.
> Thank you.
> Thomas
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