how to fix Window Menubar?

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at
Fri Feb 6 22:56:59 UTC 2015

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 12:39 AM, jfsanchez <jfsanchez at> wrote:
> Hello everyone, I'm using Kubuntu 14.10,
> I want to use a global menu (like OSX) in the panel, so I'm using Window
> Menubar widget and the System Settings>Menubar switched to "Only export", but
> GTK application does not work fine ( for instance Pidgin and LibreOffice ).
> So, what would I do?

Hey, thanks for pointing this out.  I used to use this all the time
with KDE 3, and really missed it in KDE 4.  I'll have to use it some
and see if it works for me now.

The general problem is the one you noticed.  This is a KDE widget and
will not work with everything.  The KDE 3 version only worked with
KDE.  This new one seems better than that.  For my quick trial it
worked with Firefox, Chrome and Thunderbird as will.

There will be programs that it just doesn't work with and I don't
think there is anything that the KDE developers can do about it.
Given that it works with some non-KDE applications, there must be a
standard that they are conforming to.  The best we can hope for is for
the non-working applications to switch to following the standard.  You
might ask them if they have plans to do so.

Thanks for pointing it out to me,


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