missing documentation

Charles T. Bell cbell44 at cfl.rr.com
Thu Dec 3 20:52:32 UTC 2015

On 12/03/2015 07:29 AM, Volker Wysk wrote:
> Hello!
> When trying to open the documentation of KMail (press F1), I get the message 
> "Documentation not Found". From timet to time I also get a notification of 
> something like "Documentation not installed. It is in a separate package" (or 
> simething like that). Sadly, it doesn't say which package that would be.
> How do I install the full documentation, or rather, how is it organized into 
> packages in Kubuntu? I couldn't find a package named "kmail-doc" or similar, 
> although I have installed "kdepim-doc" - which doesn't seem to contain the 
> KMail docu.
> The KMail version is 5.0.2.
> Thanks,
> Volker
If you go half-way down the page on the "Documentation not Found" page,
you will find "KDE Documentation site".  Click on that URL and it will
take you to the site where you will find a list on the left hand side of
the page and you should click on "kdepim".  It will bring up the page
showing all the .pdfs for help and the fifth one down on the left is
KMail.  Download the .pdf.
Good luck!

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