Gene Heskett
gheskett at
Sun Aug 16 06:28:09 UTC 2015
On Sunday 16 August 2015 01:52:07 Felix Miata wrote:
> O. Sinclair composed on 2015-08-16 07:41 (UTC+0200):
> > Richard Barmann wrote:
> >>> Failsafe will not get past the login screen. I enter the password
> >>> and it goes blank and then comes back with the login screen
> >
> > To me it sounds like something botched in your upgrade this time and
> > likely it is the "root cause" of your issues rather than the
> > graphics card.
> He gave us other details in the thread he started here 6 weeks ago. It
> looks to me like NVidia GeForce 6200 is the more likely root of his
> video trouble, which could be complicated by the entry level/weakly
> supported VIA chipset on his Biostar P4M800 Pro-M7 motherboard.
That biostar board has the possibility of being old enough to have the
bad capacitors syndrome.
Of those electrolytic caps located between the CPU and the red riser for
the parport etc output at the rear of the board, have any of them a
bulged or even split/cracked at the score in the alu top? If so, the
lot of them should be replaced with low ESR 105C rated capacitors of the
same capacity and voltage rating.
Having lost our local parts supply dealers years ago, I get them in 10
packs from ebay these days, at prices under 2 bucks each including
shipping, so the cost isn't outrageous. I also have a hot air rework
station I got from ebay for less than a hundred dollar bill, but thats
just a C.O.D.B to me, and not heavily used since like the OP, I'm
retired and will soon be 81 yo.
Motherboards can do the darnest things when those have failed by the
developpment of excessive ESR = Equivalent Series Resistance.
As a C.E.T., and a long time television station Chief Engineer, I have
seen them so bad they can't even get past the bios screen before
crashing or looping back to restart the bios. That board had 3 or the 8
showing split tops and dried white leakage that washes off with a wet
q-tip or 10. I replaced all 8 of those caps most of a decade back and
its still going strong & stable today.
> > I don't know how to "restart" an upgrade, maybe someone else does?
> --
> "The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
> words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)
> Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
> Felix Miata ***
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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