15.04 issues
Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at kubuntu.org
Sat Apr 25 13:51:37 UTC 2015
Hi Billie,
On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at swbell.net> wrote:
> On 04/25/2015 01:57 AM, O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Muon package manager seems to have issues in finding packages
> Muon has been a joke from it's inception. Install Synaptic, but you can't do
> it from Muon because Muon can't find it.
Because you don't use the Muon package manager. There is a huge
difference between the Muon Discover application which indeed doesn't
find half of the stuff. But the Muon package manager works pretty
flawlessly here (Kubuntu 14.10), much better than synaptic used to
work. The latter has seen some serious downgrading as it is not
actively maintained anymore.
The difference is this one:
muon = package manager
muon-discover = package browser that doesn't really work as well as expected.
Removing muon-discover solve the problem quite well. Since 14.10
(maybe even earlier, can't remember when exactly) muon works very much
like synaptic did.
As for Kubuntu 15.04: I totally agree with Orjan here, not for me, I
guess I will toy around with it on the test laptop, but it is too far
from stable for my productive computer.
Regards, Myriam
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