15.04 kwallet

Donatas G. dgvirtual at akl.lt
Sat Apr 25 07:46:03 UTC 2015


Perhaps your kwallet configuration is crewed up somehow. In that case it
should be possible to restart it and get the configuration dialog working

You could do this. log in to your account on any of the virtual consoles
before you log in to your Plasma session (hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to
console). Then go into ~/.kde/share/apps and move kwallet directory:

cd ~/.kde/share/apps ; mv kwallet kwallet.backup

Then go to config directory and rename kwalletrc and kwalletmanagerrc files:

cd ../config; mv kwalletrc kwalletrc.backup; mv kwalletmanagerrc

Then log in to your plasma session, and you will be asked if you want to
use kwallet. Say no :)

Let me know if it works.


2015-04-21 18:15 GMT+03:00 Dale Trombley <buzzmandt at gmail.com>:

> Have one machine fully updated (as of 4/21) and can't disable kwallet.
> When loading kwallet to get to its options it locks up. We really dislike
> kwallet, is there a way to disable it using the terminal?
> Thanks
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