Updating to 15.04

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Tue Apr 7 20:43:09 UTC 2015

On 04/07/2015 03:21 PM, Richard Barmann wrote:
> On 04/07/2015 11:22 AM, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>> On 04/07/2015 11:06 AM, accessys at smart.net wrote:
>>> I have used XFCE for many years and find it a very nice desktop, 
>>> powerful without being overwhelming.  I would use it more if it were 
>>> able to do all of the things that Plasma does natively. (updates are 
>>> a PITA)
>>> Bob 
>> What is missing for you in XFCE?    I just came back to it after a 5 
>> year use of KDE.   I had to quit XFCE when Kmail wouldn't run on 
>> it....   but then Kmail became problematic so I switched to T-bird. 
>> Now I am back on XFCE and find it very useable.
>> Dick Barmann Wrote:
>> I am sending this from Thunderbird in the XFEC and it is working at 
>> this time.I want to thank everyone for thier time and knowledge 
>> helping me this past week. I would be lost without all of you. Is 
>> xefc just another version of Ubuntu? I know I was a pain because of 
>> my limited knowledge but when I was turned on to Linux I never wanted 
>> to go back to Windows. Thanks again and Bless you all.
> Dick Barmann

Glad it's working for you!!! XFCE  (you spelled it wrong) is a 
light-weight "window manager" without the glitz of KDE but it runs all 
the applications that KDE provides.

Takes a lot less horsepower than KDE, especially with Plasma, and should 
do a good job for you.

"Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies."

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