Updating to 15.04

Richard Barmann reb68 at att.net
Sun Apr 5 03:12:25 UTC 2015

On 04/04/2015 11:03 PM, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On 04/04/2015 11:00 PM, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>> On 04/04/2015 10:29 PM, Richard Barmann wrote:
>>> I did the above two times but it did not save it. When I go back in 
>>> it is back on quiet splash
>>> This error showed up when I opened Thunderbird this time. Is it 
>>> related and how to save the change in grub.
>>> ------------------
>>> Error launching /usr/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop. Either 
>>> KLauncher is not running anymore, or it failed to start the application.
>>> -----------------
>>> Dick Barmann
>> 1)  Yes, I said it was temporary....    and so it will not save it..  
>> (but we can make it permanent when you find out what works)  You can 
>> boot once with the edited settings.
>> 2) WHOOOAAAAA!    How are you attempting to start T-bird???   I 
>> thought you weren't getting past the login screen....
>> I have Kubuntu 14.10 in Grub and Kubuntu 15.04 and Windows XP all in 
>> Grub. I have to go to 14.10 to read the Emails and then I print it 
>> and reboot in 15.04
and follow your instructions. Have a good night and thanks.
Dick Barmann
> Going nite now but will be around in the morning....   EDT

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