Plasma anyone?

bmarsh at bmarsh at
Fri Apr 3 13:55:46 UTC 2015

> On Apr 3, 2015, at 1:04 AM, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at> wrote:
>> On 02/04/2015 22:59, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>>> On 04/02/2015 04:38 PM, O. Sinclair wrote:
>>> Well I tend to tinker as well, I have about 40 years experience so not a
>>> noob. But when it comes to my production system I "tinker" in a VM with
>>> new stuff, especially beta.
>> When loading a new release,  beta or not, I always use new partitions
>> and can then re-boot to the previous system if needed.  and there is
>> usually a previous-previous system I could use as well..    Don't want
>> to waste the time on a virtual system.
>> -
> unfortunately dont have disk enough for that, I try out in a VM and if
> not happy decides to wait until things are stable.
But.... But...  Disks are terribly cheap these days...   Like $74 for 2TB.    I have two of those drives I am using for backup. And two of them in the machine...  The backups are placed in a cheep USB external dock.

> And realise I must have been tired when I upgraded my experience by
> nearly 10 years, make that "over 30 years" instead of 40.
> -- 
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