Plasma anyone?

James Cain james.cain.25 at
Thu Apr 2 18:20:48 UTC 2015

> I've been using the version of KDE that comes with each kubuntu
release...  And I do a fresh install every new release.   And I haven't
really paid attention to the KDE version I was using as long as it
> worked. So 15.04 has switched to Plasma 5 (is that KDE 5?). And it is not
working so swell.

15.04 is not a new release. It's not even yet a release. In fact, at the
time of your email it was still *Alpha* software. Sure, there's bugs. In
fact, for day-to-day use in any kind of environment that would be deemed
*important*, LTS versions of all Ubuntu flavors, including XFCE,
are recommended. Currently that would be 14.04, which has a 5-year support
status. Honestly the only conclusion one could reach here is that the OP
likes XFCE better than KDE (which is fine), and chose to pin the reason for
the switch on what the OP calls buggy software. Without even an example of
what he meant or any attempted solutions to fix it, except to write about
it here in very general, and non-helpful to readers of this mailing list,
terms. The fact that this thread even has this many answers to it is a bit


On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 1:54 PM, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at> wrote:

> On 02/04/2015 16:23, bmarsh at wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> On Apr 1, 2015, at 11:49 PM, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at> wrote:
> >>
> >>> On 02/04/2015 03:13, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> >>> Well, I guess plasma is not for me...  at least not at the moment in a
> >>> beta state.  But I think there will still be bugs when it goes live in
> >>> 15.04.
> >>>
> >>> I have switched to XFCE4 which I used to use and really liked.  It does
> >>> everything I want to do and has been around long enough that the bugs
> >>> have been worked out.
> >>>
> >>> The reason I gave up on XFCE at one point was that Kmail wouldn't run
> on
> >>> it...   but then Kmail began to have pains and I gave up on Kmail and
> >>> switched to T-bird.  That's what linux is all about:  choice!
> >>>
> >>> So for the moment things are nice with 15.04 as I re-learn my way
> around
> >>> XFCE.  But it looks like it will work out just fine.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for all the help on Plasma 5  and I may return to it someday in
> >>> the future.
> >> Not quite understanding: did you leave the well working KDE4 to
> >> experiment with KDE5 and then reverted to XFCE4??
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I've been using the version of KDE that comes with each kubuntu
> release...  And I do a fresh install every new release.   And I haven't
> really paid attention to the KDE version I was using as long as it worked.
> >
> > So 15.04 has switched to Plasma 5 (is that KDE 5?). And it is not
> working so swell.
> >
> That is what I don't quite get. 15.04 is not even released. You can stay
> with 14.10 and still upgrade kernel and most other stuff via ppa
> So if your upgrade to every new version is not about KDE and other
> software, what is it then about?
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