Plasma anyone?

m.celiesius m.celiesius at
Thu Apr 2 14:30:50 UTC 2015

I think he leave KDE5...
On 2015.04.02 06:49, O. Sinclair wrote:
> On 02/04/2015 03:13, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>> Well, I guess plasma is not for me...  at least not at the moment in a
>> beta state.  But I think there will still be bugs when it goes live in
>> 15.04.
>> I have switched to XFCE4 which I used to use and really liked.  It does
>> everything I want to do and has been around long enough that the bugs
>> have been worked out.
>> The reason I gave up on XFCE at one point was that Kmail wouldn't run on
>> it...   but then Kmail began to have pains and I gave up on Kmail and
>> switched to T-bird.  That's what linux is all about:  choice!
>> So for the moment things are nice with 15.04 as I re-learn my way around
>> XFCE.  But it looks like it will work out just fine.
>> Thanks for all the help on Plasma 5  and I may return to it someday in
>> the future.
> Not quite understanding: did you leave the well working KDE4 to
> experiment with KDE5 and then reverted to XFCE4??

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