bash security hole

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sun Sep 28 06:57:07 UTC 2014

O. Sinclair wrote:
> As I understand it the future cause for concern is various hardware
> using linux that are highly unlikely to be updated by manufacturers
> and users. I have a router myself at home that is linux-based and I
> very much doubt the manufacturer will update the firmware.

Fortunately those Linux based routers only have a low amount of memory 
and therefore they usually don't have bash installed. They use busybox 
as shell and according to what I have read, busybox isn't vulnerable (at 
least not for the shellshock bug).

> Not that I see myself as a possible target but you get the point.

I think you're wrong here. Every vulnerable machine is a target because 
it can be used for e.g. botnets.


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