Questionable KDE.....

Clay Weber clay at
Tue Sep 16 07:18:55 UTC 2014

On Monday, September 15, 2014 11:13:04 PM Bill Vance wrote:
> Howdy Folks;
> From time to time, I've been through several
> sets of varied documentation, and never seem
> to find the vaguest reference, let alone an
> answer to this question.  On my desktop, is a
> rectangular area, demarked by a simple line
> around it's four sides.  Anything created in,
> or copied/moved to, (cp/mv), my
> /home/$USER/Desktop directory appears in this
> rectangle as an icon.  Conversely, any
> file-icon droped into this window, appears in the
> above mentioned directory.
> Now here's the question:  When the mouse pointer
> traverses this, "Desktop-window", a narrow bar
> appears along one side or the other of it, and
> has five buttons on it.  The bottom one, (if
> clicked on), makes the Desktop-window go away
> forever.  Otherwise, nothing obvious happens
> when clicking on any of the other buttons.
> What are the other four buttons there for?
> Bill

That is a Folder widget. The other buttons are for rotating, resizing, and settings. The 
bar is also used to move the widget around. The settings you can configure which 
folder is used and other things.

You can lock widgets via the right-click menu on your desktop, which disables the side 
bar on them, but also disables being able to move or configure them.

There is one extra button specifically on the Folder widget that simply opens the 
folder in Dolphin. (most other widgets only have the 4 buttons.)[1] 

Clay Weber (claydoh)

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