dependency problems

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Mon Nov 24 19:04:31 UTC 2014

On Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:29:54 +0900
Thomas Blasejewicz <nyuwa at> wrote:
> root at spirit:~# sudo rm /var/lib/apt/list/lock
> rm: cannot remove ‘/var/lib/apt/list/lock’: No such file or directory
> root at spirit:~# sudo -i
> root at spirit:~# apt-get update
> E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource 
> temporarily unavailable)
> E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/

"This just means that there is an application using apt.

First try to find out which application it is by using this command in
the terminal

ps aux | grep apt | grep -v 'grep'
If there is a process running using apt (like apt-get or aptitude), the
best thing to do is just to let it finish what its doing. Otherwise you
can kill it using kill <PID of the process (2nd column in output of ps

After making sure there is no process or killing it, you can just
remove the lock using sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock" -

> deb trusty-backports main 
> restricted universe multiverse
> deb-src trusty-backports 
> main restricted universe multiverse

Perhaps backports could cause dependency issues. Backports provide
software versions, that are newer than the official versions of your
*buntu release. Only enable backports, if you really need a package
from backports and after that disable backports. Care about any
dependencies that were upgraded from backports.

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