TTY Sessions

Little Girl littlergirl at
Sun Nov 16 00:40:15 UTC 2014

Hey there,

Scott DuBois wrote:

> >
> Very well written! Kudos!

Thanks. It was a labor of love. (:
> When switching to tty1 and executing
> startx -- :1
> vt8 gives only a blank (X) screen which then I can execute from tty1
> xterm -display :1
> then go back to vt8 and have a command prompt there from which I can
> then start other programs (in X) Kate, Dolphin, etc.. But this is
> far from a _full_ window manager and resources such as the KDE
> environment provides. I believe this function should be
> accomplished from the [new session] option via lock screen -->
> switch user but doesn't seem to be functioning properly (at least
> not for me).

Odd. I have no idea why it's doing that. That TTY sessions page is
mighty old (I really ought to update it!). I currently use Kubuntu
12:04 Precise Pangolin because I've been too laz... busy to upgrade
it, and I'm pretty sure that's what I was using when I wrote the
page. They work in my current system, but I realize it's quite
different from the modern Kubuntu.

I found this page:

It suggests this as a possible alternative to the startx command:


I haven't tried that, but it may be worth a try.

It also says that in 14.04 you need this command to stop the X server:

sudo service lightdm stop

And to start the X server you need this command:

sudo service lightdm start

I should probably update the page if that's what the new command is.
> I do have an older (13.10) copy of Kubuntu running in VirtualBox
> and it works there; but not on my bare metal 14.04.

Maybe one of the commands above will work. If not, a Google search
for ubuntu startx turns up a whole lot of hits from people who are or
were having trouble getting X started, so maybe one of them found a
reliable way. I realize we're talking about Kubuntu, but Ubuntu
searches turn up more hits. (:

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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