Testing Plasma Next /KDE5

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Thu May 22 14:35:18 UTC 2014

hello everyone,

perhaps someone has taken the step already or is aware of possible 

I would like give next version of Plasma a spin/try and see if I can 
help out by filing bugs and so on.

As I understand I can download an ISO of project Neon and run it in a VM 
- but at least from what I have read that might not be optional for 
testing graphical components.

Or I can add a ppa and get it installed and run it on my current 

However, I am not understanding if the later means that it will mess 
with my current environment or if I "simply" log in to Plasma Next 
session and it is "isolated"?

As my laptop is my work/professional environment I can not risk messing 
it up too badly - hence the questions.

Kind regards

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