Blue shell Firefox?

Little Girl littlergirl at
Fri May 16 11:16:49 UTC 2014

Hey there,

Mark Fraser wrote:
> Little Girl wrote:
> > Mark Fraser wrote:

> > > Wish I could figure out why I can't open the new preferences on
> > > some computers - it just opens an empty tab that can't be
> > > closed.
> > If you enable the menu bar on those computers, can you get to the
> > preferences by selecting it from the Edit menu?
> It's the customise part where I can add and remove items from the
> toolbars that doesn't work.

Ah, okay. Have you tried disabling all your add-ons and opening it?
If so, and if it still happens, it sounds like it's time for a bug

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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