Blue shell Firefox?

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Thu May 15 16:30:18 UTC 2014

On 15/05/2014 18:25, Clay Weber wrote:
> On Thursday, May 15, 2014 11:04:53 AM Little Girl wrote:
>> Hey there,
>> Thomas Tanghus wrote:
>>> Little Girl wrote:
>>>> Stephen Morris wrote:
>>>> Right-click the little lined menu icon and left-click Menu Bar in
>>>> the little context menu that opens. Thank goodness that was
>>>> there. I would have gotten rid of Firefox if it wasn't. (:
>>> You're a life-saver Little Girl!
>> Heh, I'm glad it worked! By the way, you can do the same thing with
>> the aweul Dolphin file manager interface to get your menus back where
>> they belong. (:
>>> I wonder WTF @firefox on twitter didn't mention that the past
>>> couple of days where I've been trying to communicate with them?
>> No idea, but it probably has something to do with how awesome they
>> think their new interface is and how they can't imagine anyone not
>> wanting it.
>> I don't understand why some developers don't introduce these drastic
>> changes to software as new options you can choose to enable rather
>> than making them the default and leaving you to try and figure out
>> whether they can be undone or whether your former options are still
>> available at all any more.
> I would guess that a) a *lot* of people might actually <<gasp>> *like* the
> interface change, and b) those who don't like change maybe tend to *not* be
> the ones testing out the changes beforehand.
> I think I might be switching back to Firefox with this version, tbh.
My guess (and that is also what I understand from reading online) is 
that Mozilla want the same UI on android/phones/tablets and computers, 
hence the more "press here if your screen has that functionality" gui.

Personally I kind of like it, I face no challenges in it apart from that 
I would prefer the back/forward buttons to be "leftmost" on that area

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