no desktop effects in Trusty

Clay Weber clay at
Sun Mar 30 18:47:43 UTC 2014

On Sunday, March 30, 2014 10:22:45 AM Glenn Holmer wrote:
> I have Trusty installed and up to date on a desktop machine, and it
> won't render some of the desktop effects I normally use (e.g. wobbly
> windows, magic lamp), either with nouveau or the propreitaty nvidia
> driver. It's now running the nvidia driver (lsmod shows nvidia and not
> nouveau) at version 331.38-0ubuntu6. This is not a small machine (Intel
> i7 @3.6GHz w/8 cores, 16G RAM).
> The error I see in when clicking the Detail button in systemsettings is
> "effect requires OpenGL", but both kinfocenter and the Nvidia server
> settings dialog show OpenGL information. The graphics card is a GeForce
> GTX650 (kinfocenter shows OpenGL/ES version 4.4.0 NVIDIA 331.38).
> Is anybody else having issues with this on Trusty? Any advice?


Either revert to the previous kernel, or wait until it is fixed.

Clay Weber (claydoh)[2][3] 


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