KMAIL: Cant send email without a "TO" address

Steve Riley steve at
Sat Mar 29 16:05:15 UTC 2014

On 2014-03-29 at 09:53, c. marlow <chris at> wrote:
> Question, in KMAIL I cannot send a email without putting a email address in 
> the to: line. I normally BCC everyone but I noticed if I click send nothing 
> happens but as soon as I put someone in the TO line, it closes the email and 
> sends it... Why and is there a way to change that?

According to RFC 5322, the only required header fields are origination date and origination address. All others are optional.

Here, my KMail prompts me if I leave the "To:" field blank. A dialog says, "To: field is empty. Send message anyway?" If I click "Yes," the message is delivered normally.


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