13.10 vs. 12.04 LTS vs. 14.04 LTS Final Beta

GH girardhenri at free.fr
Thu Mar 27 11:18:28 UTC 2014

Mate and cinnamon can be intall in case too slow they are really speedy.
Le 27/03/2014 10:39, Thomas Tanghus a écrit :
> On Thursday 27 March 2014 08:25 TuxMario DeTreb wrote:
>> I have an old hardware which was running fine under 13.04 and unable to run
>> 13.10 :-(    I installed Trusty from Alpha 1 and have no problem since this
>> installation. So I agree with most of you that Trusty Beta is the
>> recommended solution
> What do you mean by unable to run? Wouldn't it install/boot or was it "just"
> slow?
> If the latter do you have any idea what part of the the system slowed it down?
> KDE or base Ubuntu?
> My reason for asking is that I have an old Acer laptop I'd like to use as a
> "Garden PC" for our allotment garden house, and 13.10 was unbearably slow on
> it. I could install a light-weight distro, but I'd really prefer using KDE.

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