muon no longer asking for authentication (and failing)

Robert Marshall robert at
Fri Jun 20 18:08:27 UTC 2014

On Fri, Jun 20 2014, Robert Marshall <robert at> wrote:

> Starting with the update to apt of this week (and the problem occurring
> on that update) when muon/apper informs me that there are upgrades, if I
> view them and attempt to upgrade I no longer get asked for
> authentication (my password) and then the upgrade fails because it
> doesn't have (sudo) permissions :-(
> I'm not aware of changing anything, has something else changed, is
> anyone else seeing this? 
> Before this change a dialog used to pop up asking for my password, I
> entered it and the update was done. For the moment I'm doing command
> line `sudo apt-get upgrade`..

Arrgh! should have added this is with 14.04

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