[Solved] Select OS to boot into on reboot

Alan Dacey (grokit) grokit at ajinfosearch.com
Thu Jun 5 13:18:08 UTC 2014

Thanks for the advice but dual booting is not my issue.  My grub is fine and I know my way around it.  This was a question of rebooting via the KDE shutdown gui and having grub automagically go into a certain entry.  There are scripts that can do this but that is not what I am looking for.  It was a feature of kdm but not a feature of lightdm.


On Thursday, June 05, 2014 1:32:49 AM multilingus at gmx.de wrote:
> The simplest method to install a multiboot system is,  I think,  to use the command update-grub when there are different os on the hdd.
> In a terminal window you can start it. It recognizes the os and it writes a new file for grub.
> The next time you reboot a list will be shown with all os you can select. Moving up and down you can select your favorite system and start it with return!
> On 23. Mai 2014 08:55:21 MESZ, Nils Kassube <kassube at gmx.net> wrote:
> >Alan Dacey wrote:
> >>  KDE used to have the option for rebooting into an OS of your choice
> >> in the system shutdown menu.  You would long click on the reboot
> >> button and your grub entries would show up.
> >
> >I don't know if such a thing ever existed. I have tried it with the 
> >ancient versions Kubuntu 8.04 and 10.04 and both didn't offer that 
> >option.
> >
> >> I don't use it much so I
> >> missed when the little down triangle disappeared.  Anybody know how
> >> to get it back in KDE 4.13?
> >
> >Could it be that you are mixing up things? There is a little triangle
> >at 
> >the shutdown button and I think it should offer options to suspend to 
> >RAM/disk and power off (I don't want to shut down now, so I didn't try 
> >it). If you want to reboot to a different OS, you would hold down the 
> >shift key during reboot. Then the grub menu should appear and you could
> >
> >select the OS you wanted.
> >
> >
> >Nils
> >
> >
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