switching users... forget it!

Sid Boyce sboyce at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Jul 13 20:38:49 UTC 2014

On 13/07/14 13:00, kubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
> My first go with Linux was SuSE 9, I believe, that I bought in a box at
> Comp USA. I set it up dual boot with Windows and "played" with it when I
> wasn't doing anything in particular. Can't tell you how many times I had
> to reformat that partition and reinstall. I quickly learned a whole lot
> of things NOT to do. Before long I managed to come to terms with it at
> some level and actually using it to do something constructive. One hump
> in the learning curve was learning what programs did what. The programs
> names are sometime not very clear at what they are for. As time went on,
> I one day realized that I hadn't booted into Windows for a very long
> time. I haven't looked back. I used SuSE for several versions but I kept
> hearing great things about *Ubuntu so I set up a dual boot SuSE/Kubuntu.
> SuSE had/has some nice features but I finally decided that Kubuntu
> suited me more. The rest, as they say, is history.
The big difference I find between Kubuntu/Ubuntu and openSUSE is that 
openSUSE is often most up to date with all the latest developments like 
systemd which Ubuntu is just introducing, wicked, dracut and other stuff 
but it's still rock solid.

One of the biggest headaches had been network configuration until wicked 
was introduced in openSUSE. With network cards, especially if swapping 
out motherboards or network cards and having to mess with udev rules, 
swapping cables around etc., wicked is consistent in the way it names 
interfaces so it's just a case of plug and play.

Having said that, working with any Linux distro, once the few different 
tools are understood there is no problem - I use many.

In over 34 years in the industry I had to work with whatever OS was 
supported on a platform - Mainframes from different manufacturers, 
PDP-11's, SPARC Enterprise servers, etc., even Linux on Mainframes and 
SPARC, that's at least 12 or more different OS's in that time, whatever 
the job demanded.
Each requiring a different approach. That way I was able to  adapt 
quickly to be able to support all those hardware platforms and OS's.
Neither myself or colleagues could not have survived professionally in a 
one hardware, one OS world.
We had to approach each with a mindset that we didn't know jack and 
learn fast - e.g z/OS and Solaris are as different as chalk and cheese.

Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
Emeritus IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support
Senior Staff Specialist, Cricket Coach
Microsoft Windows Free Zone - Linux used for all Computing Tasks

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