switching users... forget it!

c. marlow chris at marlows.org
Fri Jul 11 19:56:05 UTC 2014

Well thats not me bruce just frustersted thats all
On Jul 11, 2014 2:22 PM, "Bruce Marshall" <bmarsh at bmarsh.com> wrote:

> On 07/11/2014 03:02 PM, kbun at xpresso.seaslug.org wrote:
>> I've been seeing this negatively conotated term for the
>> last immediate forever, but haven't figured it out yet.
>> What exactly do you mean by, "troll?"
> A 'troll' in forum context means someone who tries to antagonize the forum
> by making "off" comments which goes against the theme of the forum.
> I liken it to throwing gasoline on a bonfire and then running off to watch
> the results from afar.
> In otherwords, the troll isn't really interested in helping or getting
> help from the forum but wants to make trouble.
> --
> "Never criticize someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes. That
>   way, when you criticize them, you will be a mile away and have their
> shoes."
> --
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