switching users... forget it!

Juan R. de Silva juan.r.d.silva at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 04:08:55 UTC 2014

On Fri, 11 Jul 2014 05:00:32 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 20:37 -0500, c. marlow wrote:
>> I just hope I dont have to put up with LINUX too much longer... Tired
>> of reformatting.  Hope to replace this machine with a windows machine
>> sooon!!!
> Linux is for users with self-responsibility and using some freakish
> distro, that does cause you issues, so that you need to sent your
> requests to another distro's mailing list is reckless, far away of being
> self-responsible. If you need a nanny, than Windows likely is the better
> choice for your needs, since Linux isn't a replacement for Windows, it's
> not intended to replace Windows, it's for users with needs that are
> different from Windows user needs.

I OP is a troll, which might be the case, then there was no need to reply 
to him at all.

If OP is just a frustrated newbie, which also might be the case, then you 
were unreasonably and senselessly rude. Mentoring in a such tone is 
counterproductive and not helpful at all. E.g. I praise Little Girl 
approach instead.

Sorry, if my comment touches your feelings.

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